I Think My Partner is a Sex Addict

You trusted them and believed you had the perfect marriage. The text messages, trail of pornography images, and their lack of interest in you have left you feeling unloved, unattractive, suspicious, and hurt. You’re tracking their phone, but they tell you it’s inaccurate. You question their late-night outings and wonder who they spend time with on business trips. The distance and anger have escalated to levels never experienced before, and you want help with betrayal trauma recovery. You fight daily, yelling and screaming, and they tell you that it’s all in your head.

The truth is out and you want help. You know that you are not at fault. You’re ready to work on yourself and learn to be independent and certain of your place in life and in the marriage. You discovered the betrayals and lies on d-day and struggle with feelings of disgust, hatred, sadness, and confusion. You want to believe your partner, but you know they’ve lied before, and you want the truth. You’ve spent hours scrolling through betrayal trauma recovery Facebook groups and articles about sex addiction, and you’re afraid that your partner’s behaviors indicate an addiction. You aren’t sure where to turn for help, and it’s hard to trust anyone, and especially hard to trust friends and therapists who might not get you.

What are the symptoms of betrayal trauma?

You are overwhelmed by your responsibilities at work and home, and this trauma has created an environment of distrust. You’re experiencing brain fog, body aches, flashbacks, nightmares, aversion to sex, and intrusive and disturbing thoughts and images. You feel disgusted, dirty or contaminated, and repulsed by your partner’s touch. The repeated gaslighting attempts confuse you and cloud your judgment, and your feelings and thoughts no longer feel like your own. You used to feel confident and grounded in reality, but the betrayal trauma and gaslighting have left you feeling inherently broken at the core and shakes your sense of self and you question your own reality. Your sense of meaning and place in the world is disrupted and you try to numb and dissociate from the pain. Your world as you knew it is shattered, and not only did your partner betray you, they threatened your life.

Betrayal Trauma Recovery

Our therapists help betrayed partners of sex addicts who care for everyone else pursue their own goals and heal. You will learn to identify your feelings and develop skills that help you cope. The negative self-talk keeps you awake at night, and you want to develop self-compassion and inner peace. We will explore patterns in your family and marriage that leave you feeling unloved, stuck, and hopeless.

You will never hear our therapists utter the words “codependency” or “codependent.” We see you as a unique person with your own feelings and emotions. No one is in your exact circumstance, and it doesn’t matter what everyone else would do. The key is to help you figure out what is right for you. Our therapists are Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT) and trained and certified in the Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model through The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS). Our training provides us with a unique perspective and understanding of how sexual betrayal trauma shatters self-worth and trust in anyone in your life. You feel alone, desperate, and ashamed of sharing these secrets with your friends. You know they will tell you to leave your partner, but you feel stuck, immobile, paralyzed by fear, and pressured to make decisions.

How Can You Help Me?

Ray Family Therapy offers Individual Counseling and Marriage Counseling in Houston & San Marcos, Texas and specializes in EMDR Therapy, Gottman Method Couples Therapy, and Betrayal Trauma Recovery

In our sessions, you will learn to slow down and use skills that help keep you from becoming overwhelmed. We work with your partner and help them understand how betrayal trauma impacts the brain, produces symptoms of PTSD, and creates distrust and emotional distress. Your partner will learn communication skills that promote trust and de-escalate conflict while being sensitive to your needs. Clients describe our office as a place where they feel calm and supported as they make changes and develop self-compassion during betrayal trauma recovery. If you are ready to stop waiting for your partner to get help hoping that will change things, and you want to take control of your own life…

Schedule your free 20-minute consultation to start the process of healing on your own.