The Dangerous Consequences of Anti-LGBTQIA+ Laws on Mental Health and Safety


Disturbingly, 2023 has the distinction of being a record-setting year for the number of anti-LGBTQIA+ bills introduced in state legislatures across the United States. The hatred that fuels legislative action threatens both the physical and emotional safety of the LGBTQIA+ community. Pride month should be a time for celebration, but the war on the LGBTQIA+ community means that we must also recognize the harm that legislative action causes and take action to protect the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ individuals. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Texas’ governing body is legalizing discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals, the damaging effects of anti-LGBTQIA+ laws on mental health, the role of extremism in promoting anti-LGBTQIA+ laws, and what can be done to support LGBTQIA+ individuals in these challenging times.

Anti-LGBTQIA+ Legislation in Texas

Hatred toward and discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community is alive and well in Texas. According to Axios, Texas leads in the nation in the number of anti-transgender bills filed in the 2023 legislative season. Governor Greg Abbott marked Pride Month by signing into law State Bill 14, which prohibits transgender minors from receiving puberty blockers and hormone therapies. Dozens of other bills filed in the state legislature, if passed, would restrict the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, causing Andrea Segovia of the Transgender Education Network of Texas to describe Texas as “one of the most dangerous and hostile places for transgender youth and transgender people and their families in America.”

Discriminatory Laws Take a Toll on Mental Health

Anti-LGBTQIA+ laws, such as those that restrict transgender people from accessing gender affirming care and those that allow businesses to discriminate against LGBTQIA+ customers, create an environment of fear, stigma, and exclusion. The Trevor Project, an organization dedicated to ending suicide among LGBTQ youth, conducted a survey that showed that 86% of transgender and nonbinary young people report that debates about anti-transgender legislation have negatively impacted their mental health. Anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation being debated in Texas and throughout the country is sending a message to LGBTQIA+ people that they are not valued, respected, or protected under the law, and this belief can be deeply damaging to one’s mental health. The sad reality is that LGBTQIA+ youth consider and attempt suicide at more than twice the rate of adolescents overall.

Extremism Fuels Anti-LGBTQIA+ Laws

The rise of extremist rhetoric and Christian nationalism has played a major role in the introduction of anti-LGBTQIA+ laws in many states. As hate groups and anti-LGBTQIA+ activists have become more normalized and have grown more active and vocal, they have been successful in pushing for laws that explicitly target the rights and safety of LGBTQIA+ individuals. Their messages of fear and intolerance have spread through social media and other channels, contributing to an environment of hostility towards the LGBTQIA+ community.

Safety is Compromised by Anti-LGBTQIA+ Laws

Beyond the mental health impact of anti-LGBTQIA+ laws, they also have tangible effects on the safety of LGBTQIA+ individuals. Discriminatory policies limit access to health care, housing, and employment, making it harder for individuals to stay safe and secure. Laws that restrict access to bathrooms and public spaces create an environment of fear and put individuals at risk of violence or harassment. By limiting the rights and protections of LGBTQIA+ individuals, these laws make it harder for them to live their lives with dignity and safety.

Supporting LGBTQIA+ Individuals in Difficult Times

Despite the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals, there are many ways to support them and promote their well-being. Allies can speak out against discriminatory policies and show their support for LGBTQIA+ individuals through social media, community organizing, and direct action. Mental health professionals can work to create inclusive and affirming treatment environments for LGBTQIA+ clients, and educators can teach about issues of gender and sexuality in schools to promote acceptance and understanding. By taking action to support LGBTQIA+ individuals, we can create a more just and compassionate society.


Anti-LGBTQIA+ laws pose a serious threat to the well-being and safety of LGBTQIA+ individuals in Texas and across the U.S. By creating an environment of stigma, intolerance, and fear, these laws contribute to higher rates of mental health issues and compromise the safety and security of those affected. As a society, it’s important that we recognize the damaging effects of these laws and take action to support LGBTQIA+ individuals through community organizing, activism, and mental health support. Only by standing together and fighting for equality and inclusion can we create a world where LGBTQIA+ individuals are valued, protected, and free to live their lives with dignity and respect.

At Ray Family Therapy, all of our therapists provide affirming care for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. If you are interested in exploring therapy, please click the button below for a free 20-minute consultation.