Gifts to Stay Organized and Spark Creativity


It’s that time of year, when amidst the hustle and bustle of year-end activities, we are also shopping for meaningful and thoughtful gifts. Here are a few fun and useful toys and items we found to help kids and adults stay organized while sparking creativity and productivity.


This is a great gift for the older teen and adult who love to fidget. The sculpture is appealing to the eye, looks elegant sitting on a desk, and relieves anxiety and pent-up stress in individuals who enjoy fidgeting to spark creativity and focus. 

Art of Play - REVOV TRAY BOX

Do you know someone who has trouble finding their keys, glasses, or wallet? This cute box has clean lines, looks nice on a desk or nightstand, and uses a “magnetized floating lid that swings open and into place with an oddly satisfying, smooth motion.”


We are implementing these planners at Ray Family Therapy and love how they look. We are all excited to pull these out each day to review our goals and deadlines for the week. We also use stickers and erasable pens to brighten, illustrate, and organize our planner. This is a great gift for someone looking to be more organized in their goal planning and execution. 

Art of Play - 15 MINUTE TIMER

I use the Pomodoro Technique to manage task completion. This cute timer is a great visual for young learners who might be more productive with a shorter timed session than the standard 25-minute work sessions used in the Pomodoro Technique. You can use this timer with older elementary and middle school students who can use 15 minutes to focus on homework or reading. After 15 minutes they can take a short 5-minute break, then flip the sand timer over again and focus intensely for 15 minutes. Kids can use the 5-minute break to stretch and move their bodies between focused work sessions. You can also use this 15-minute timer to practice daily mindfulness and meditation. 

Art of Play - TOROFLUX®

The Toroflux is a fun toy for adults and older kids and is satisfying as it moves and changes shape. It can even be rolled up and down your arm and produces a delightful visual effect. This is another great toy that allows for healthy fidgeting and play and could promote creativity and a sense of calm. 

We love finding gifts that show consideration and care for the people we love, and we hope you enjoy these as much as we do!